Addressing the systematic racism on race and ethnicity


Race and Ethnicity are used to categorize different groups of people. "Race" refers to physical differences that groups and civilizations consider socially relevant, whereas "Ethnicity" relates to common culture, such as language, genealogy, habits, and beliefs.

Race and ethnicity are typically misunderstood as most people often don’t fit into neat categories that are offered on forms.

➢ Narrow                                                        
➢ Based on physical and biological similarities.                                              
➢Based on the manifestation of the culture and the location of origin.

    Race is usually tied to biology and physical features like hair texture or skin color, and it covers a relatively small range of alternatives. However, people with identical skin tones and hair textures can be classified as various races, and racial definitions in the United States have evolved over time. "A category of people that shares some characteristic physical traits," according to Merriam-Webster's. 
    When completing paperwork that asks for race, identify yourself as belonging to one or more of the following categories:
  • White 
  • Black or African American
  • Asian

    Ethnicity is a concept that encompasses more than race. The word is used to classify people into groups based on their cultural expression and affiliation. Racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origins are examples of commonalities that can be used to identify someone's ethnicity.

Race Data

    The funding of government programs that provide services to specific groups is influenced by race data. They also collect race-related information to ensure that policies meet the requirements of all racial groups. They also want to keep an eye on anti-discrimination laws and regulations. Their race information is based on self-reporting. They state that their categories "are not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropologically, or genetically," and that respondents can identify their racial mixture by marking more than one race on the form. Over the previous 200 years, the categories listed under "Race" have evolved. Some of the previously used terms were deemed inappropriate and were removed from the papers.

     All individuals who identify with one or more nationalities or ethnic groups originating in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa are classified as white.
Black or African American
      All those who identify with one or more nationalities or ethnic groups originating in any of Africa's Black racial groups are classified as Black or African Americans.

     All people who identify with one or more nationalities or ethnic groups from the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent are classified as Asian.

Ethnicity Data
    The U.S. Census Bureau asks whether you’re of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish descent. They recognize that individuals who describe themselves as fitting into this category may be of any race.

     Have you ever been prevented from doing something because of your skin color, your history, or the way you live?   

      Many people are victims of racism and intolerance, and it is a loss not just for them, but for everyone. Racism fosters conflict, divides communities, and wastes billions of euros when people are denied equitable access to education and jobs. It causes health inequalities that ultimately harm everyone. It prevents us from discovering the diversity of other cultures and taints our pleasure of sports and the internet.


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